The UN SDGs: Why Should They be Your Business?

Mi, 20. November 2019
, ab 18:00

2192 (123 Zusagen / 2069 Interessierte)

WU matters. WU talks. Sustainability – Why should I care?
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Diskussion auf Englisch

The UN has defined 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for companies, but the implementation of these SDGs is still far from complete. Much too often, any discussion of the SDGs remains on a theoretical, abstract level, and the business opportunities that a commitment to increased sustainability offers are rarely mentioned. At this Nachhaltigkeitskontroversen event, experts will be discussing whether and how the SDGs can serve as guiding principles for companies. Could they even have the potential to be a true motor for innovation?

- Günter K. Stahl, Co-​Director of the Competence Center for Sustainability Transformation and Responsibility, WU
- Sigrid Stagl, Co-​Director of the Competence Center for Sustainability Transformation and Responsibility, WU
- Brigitte Bichler, Senior Advisor for Environment, OMV
- Theresa Imre, Managing Director, Markta GmbH
- Elisa Aichinger, Director / Social Innovation, Deloitte Consulting

Milda Zilinskaite, Competence Center for Sustainability Transformation and Responsibility, WU


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