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Cross-Disciplinary Strategies. Applied Studies in Art, Science, Philosophy, and Global Challenges



Cross-Disciplinary Strategies (CDS) provides the opportunity to work on current societal challenges in a multidisciplinary degree programme, linking the approaches and methodologies of art, the humanities and social and natural sciences. In this sense, the programme is a reaction to the increasing fragmentation of academic disciplines, aiming to face up to 21st century challenges. Artistic strategies and approaches to art are our common disciplinary language.

The introductory year covers principles of programming, statistics, academic work in the form of research and text production, as well as the principles of human rights, the structure of international organisations, artistic practices and current discourses in social sciences and humanities.

In subsequent years of the programme, the curriculum is structured into the study areas science and technology, economics and politics, and artistic strategies and approaches to art with annual topics that deal with global challenges such as migration, medialisation, work, growth, environment, and nutrition. In this phase, students apply knowledge from their content lectures in cross-disciplinary projects in team work. The programme aims to enable students to identify and uncover complex correlations, and to integrate them into cooperative processes of action.


Graduates employ artistic skills, strategies and principles of artistic praxis and experience, plus broad knowledge regarding the basic principles of research from the areas of natural sciences, humanities and social sciences to identify, develop and bring about systematic and innovative approaches for the achievement of sustainable transformation and design processes. Graduates gain an understanding for the complex coherences of our globalized and tightly interwoven societies and are able to take a critical stance towards the multiple challenges of our time.

Graduates pass through awareness-raising and qualification processes that will enable them:

  • to identify and address relevant issues and strategies for change processes beyond the boundaries of disciplines

  • to systemize and communicate (knowledge transfer) the approaches developed, and to implement them according to the requirements of the respective context

  • to instruct and guide interdisciplinary work teams that are characterized by diversity and heterogeneity.

Due to the architecture of the study programme students have at their command a number of artistic skills and strategies, as well as interdisciplinary knowledge in respect of the basic principles of highly diverse knowledge areas, all of which facilitates a certain foresight and at the same time provides a high adaptability to a wide range of disciplines.


Einstiegsvoraussetzungen für Bachelor-Studien

Alles, was du wissen musst, um in Österreich ein Bachelor-Studium zu beginnen.

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