1. Porn Film Festival Vienna

Do, 01. März 2018
, ab 17:00

Porn. An undeniable part of society and available at the touch of a button. If you have been around on the internet, chances are high that you have at least stumbled across it. 

For a long time, mainstream porn has dominated our understanding of it. In the best case, it is a high-performance sport and in the worst case, inhuman and exploitive. This image proliferates through our collective subconsciousness, grows into society’s understanding of sexuality and our acceptable modes of sexual behaviour. 

However, in the words of Annie Sprinkle, feminist sex educator and theorist: "The answer to bad porn isn’t no porn… it’s to try and make better porn!" 

Porn Film Festival Vienna is about blurring the lines between art & cinema; reflecting upon sexuality, feminism, politics, and gender-issues through the pornographic lens, challenging perceptions to the question: WHAT IS PORN?

Help us make it happen! Our backers get exclusive perks and pre-sale tickets to the festival: https://tinyurl.com/ychqtez3

The website is still under-construction but is being updated constantly, so if something is missing, please check back again! German version also to follow. 


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